At UC Riverside I have earned my Masters Degree in Computer Science. I completed my undergrad courses with a 4.0 GPA graduating Summa Cum Laude, and completed my graduate courses with a 3.84 GPA.

Graduate Courses Completed

  • CS 201 - Compiler Construction - A-
  • CS 202 - Advanced Operating Systems - A+
  • CS 203 - Advanced Computer Architecture - A+
  • CS 206 - Advanced Software Testing and Analysis - A-
  • CS 211 - High Performance Computing - B
  • CS 217 - GPU Architecture and Parallel Programming - A
  • CS 250 - Software Security - A+
  • CS 251 - Real-Time Embedded Systems - A+
  • CS 255 - Computer Security - A-

Undergraduate Courses Completed

  • CS 061 - Machine Organization and Assembly Programming - A
  • CS 100 - Software Construction - A
  • CS 111 - Discrete Structures - A
  • CS 120A - Logic Design - A+
  • CS 120B - Introduction to Embedded Systems - A+
  • CS 122A - Intermediate Embedded and Real-Time Systems - A
  • CS 141 - Intermediate Data Structures and Algorithms - A
  • CS 147 - GPU Computing and Programming - A
  • CS 150 - Automata Theory and Formal Languages - A+
  • CS 152 - Compiler Design - A
  • CS 153 - Design of Operating Systems - A
  • CS 161 - Design and Architecture of Computer Systems - A
  • CS 166 - Database Management Systems
  • CS 168 - Introduction to Very Large Integration Design - A
  • CS 175 - Entrepreneurship in Computing - A+
  • CS 179J - Project in Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems - A+
  • CS 183 - UNIX System Administration - A+
  • ENGR 180W - Technical Communications - A
  • PHIL 124 - Formal Logic - A
  • STAT 155 - Probability and Statistics - A+

I attended El Camino College to complete General Education requirements before transferring to UCR. While I was there, I completed all but one course in the Computer Science series, achieving an A in each one. I was also able to earn an Associates Degree in Mathematics by completing the Math series.

While at El Camino, I was elected President of the school's ACM Chapter. The other offiers and I organized events such as attending Hack-a-thons, code camps, and college tours. We also hosted an annual programming contest.

Courses Completed

  • CS 2 - Intro to Data Structures - A
  • CS 3 - Computer Programming in Java - A
  • CS 12 - Programming using PHP, JS, XHTML - A
  • CS 14 - Computer Programming in Python - A
  • CS 16 - Assembly Language (x86) - A
  • CS 23 - Advanced Java Programming / Android OS - A
  • CS 30 - Advanced Programming in C++ - A
  • MATH 210 - Intro to Discrete Structures - B
  • MATH 220 - Multi-Variable Calculus - A
  • MATH 270 - Advanced Differential Equations and Linear Algebra - A